
Without access to education, children remain trapped in poverty, without hope for the future.

Many children in Kenya face the reality of extreme poverty, constant hunger, and no access to education, Without quality education, these children grow up without the tools needed to break free from this cycle, leaving their future uncertain.

But you can change that.

Donate Now Special Projects Sponsor a Child

Give the children of Birikani the brighter future they long for.

Beginning in 2012, we met desperate mothers who wanted their children to have an opportunity for a better life. They believed education to be the key. Many young women were following their mothers into lives of poverty and prostitution, others destined to lives of abject poverty, and still more with nutrition related illnesses. By placing children in school, supplementing their nutritional needs, and leading them to Jesus, we discovered a brighter future for the children and their families.

Our work is funded through sponsorships provided by generous donors like you. Each sponsorship provides funding for one child in Birikani, Kenya to receive holistic education, nutritious meals, and Christian discipleship.

Sponsorships also provide emergency relief and food assistance to families of students when appropriate to ensure the children we serve have the best chance to grow and thrive.

While we are the engine working directly with the children and families we serve, donors like you are the fuel that enables us to do the work. Without fuel, the engine stops running. And without the engine, the fuel has no purpose. The children of Birikani cannot realize their full potential without your help.

There are more than 350 children in need of help in Birikani. We want to serve them all, but we can't do it without your help.

They are eagerly hoping a generous donor like you will pave the way to see their life, their family, and their community transformed.

As of 2024, the cost to sponsor a child is $65 per month.

Will you help us serve these children by sponsoring a child, today?

Sponsorship provides education, meals, and spiritual growth.

At Retouch, we’ve created a holistic program that addresses the physical, educational, and spiritual needs of children. Through sponsorship, you ensure that a child receives:

  • Education: Access to Christ-centered schools where they learn and grow academically.

  • Meals: Two nutritious meals daily, enabling them to focus on their studies.

  • Discipleship: Spiritual mentoring and Bible teaching to nurture their faith.

Sponsorship provides:

Education for an at-risk child

Full tuition at our Christian schools

Two hot meals per day

Monthly discipleship

School uniforms, P.E. clothes, and shoes

Textbooks & readers

Year-end exam fees

School supplies

Sponsorship is your chance to personally get to know the students in our community. Without you, their education would not be possible.

Sponsor a Child

Transforming lives in the least likely places.

We have more than 350 children in need of help in Birikani. We want to serve them all, but we can't do it without your help.

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